Horoscope Today, July 24, 2024: Check astrological prediction for Aquarius, Capricorn and other signs | Horoscope Today
ARIES HOROSCOPE TODAY: a sudden change of plan
The Sun is now urging you to take a deeper and more thoughtful perspective on current developments. It would seem likely that before the week is out you will have decided upon a sudden change of plan. But, then, that’s you all over, isn’t it? You’ll probably make another sudden change next week!
TAURUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: giving up on a major objective
There is too much at stake now for you to risk losing your head or giving up on a major objective. Press ahead with your present path and don’t allow purely temporary delays to obstruct your progress. Even if you take two steps back, you’ll soon be taking three steps forward.
GEMINI HOROSCOPE TODAY: time for a sentimental journey
Seeing as this is such a lively time of year, why don’t you indulge your instincts and get away for a while? Even if nothing is planned, you can be sure that a change of scene will be deeply stimulating and highly enjoyable. There’s still time for a sentimental journey, by the way.
CANCER HOROSCOPE TODAY: mazing heights of achievement
You must expect to be the centre of attention over the next fortnight, not so much because of the Sun’s influence in your sign as for the simple reason that partners, symbolised by the planet Uranus, are inspiring you to new and amazing heights of achievement.
LEO HOROSCOPE TODAY: conscious of delays and obstacles
There is now nothing to hold you back. Even at work, where you might be more than usually conscious of delays and obstacles, you may get around any problem with a little imagination and sensitivity. It’s all a matter of explaining your feelings with an understanding of partners’ needs and desires.
VIRGO HOROSCOPE TODAY: you should listen carefully
In many ways, it is possible for you to become a law unto yourself. Not a bad thing, you might think. Yet there are times when you should listen carefully to the wishes of people around you who, it must be said, are more experienced: you still have a great deal to learn!
LIBRA HOROSCOPE TODAY: put additional effort
For the next month you must put additional effort into your professional goals, or into any activity which holds out the promise of enhanced respect and prestige in your community. Within a few days, you may be forced to depart from previous practice.
SCORPIO HOROSCOPE TODAY: don’t judge the far-distant future
You may be sure that whatever begins now will not be completed until some time next month. Certain important developments won’t even come to your attention until after several days have passed, so don’t judge the far-distant future by what happens today.
SAGITTARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: an increasing desire for adventure
Amongst the new developments in your life this week is an increasing desire for adventure. I would strongly advise that you set other considerations aside in order to allow time for a journey of exploration. But will you be embarking on a voyage of the body – or the spirit? This is your choice.
CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE TODAY: adopting the right attitude
Social success and emotional happiness are very much questions of adopting the right attitude. If you are open and ready to accept partners on their own terms, they will respond with love and generosity. A legal or bureaucratic matter may be left hanging in the air, though.
AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: people in general paid you more attention
You probably feel that you’re about due for some recognition for all the hours of effort you’ve put in, often with little or no thanks. It’s about time people in general paid you more attention and took better notice of your fine qualities. You’re like a delicate flower and you need to be cared for!
PISCES HOROSCOPE TODAY: long-term ambitions
Believe it or not, you are still in a privileged position and will be saved from some of the troubles besetting other people. Yet now you must reflect on your long-term ambitions and ask if these are really right for you. You’ll benefit from bouncing ideas off an old friend.